David and Donna Travel The World
January 7th through May 9th, 2003
Aboard The Radisson "Seven Seas Mariner"

To Our Friends and Family Back Home
Donna and I have embarked on a real adventure. A trip literally around the world. As with all of our fortunate experiences we wish to share this with our friends and family. We have been asked many times in the past to share our pictures of previous trips but, without exception, have declined. This was entirely because I am remarkably unaccomplished at defining the fine line between sharing one's enthusiasm and boring someone to tears. To avoid this situation we have attempted to document and to some extent summarize this trip's adventures on this web site.
The web site is designed so that anyone who is so inclined can read and see pictures of our trip in its entirety. It is also possible to just visit a few pages. Anyone not interested at all can stretch the truth and tell us periodically that they are enjoying the site immensely without ever having to suffer it beyond this page.. If you however, do venture beyond this page, we hope you are able to share with us our excitement, our experiences and our good humor. While we're away, Donna and I will miss all of you greatly and in the end will undoubtedly look forward to returning to our wonderful life in East Hampton.
We still have some old clothes from previous trips.
Following this page are many pages of pictures and text relating to our trip. These are arranged in chronological order. One can move from page to page in one of three ways:
1) click on the location listed in the section "OUR TRIP IN PICTURES" on this page, or
2) go to the MAP page by clicking on "A Map of Our Route", here or below (left) and then by clicking on the name of the place visited right on the map.
3) after clicking on any page, use the "next page", "previous page" navigation bar at the beginning or the end of each page.
Good Luck!

Our Travel Schedule
A Map of Our Route
Go to first picture page of
Grand Caymen Island (page 2)

Site Last Updated

Thursday, May 8, 2003 4:08 PM
Local Time
to email us or
using your own carrier
email us at davidonna@aol.com

Please use as the subject: "World Cruise"
(Please no attachments)


Grand Caymen Island (2)
The Panama Canal (3)
Home Away From Home (4)
Acapulco& Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (5)
En Route to The South Pacific (Pt 1) (6)
En Route to The South Pacific (Pt 2) (7)
Nuku Hiva, Iles Marquies (8)
Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia (9)
Moorea, French Polynesia (10)
Bora Bora, French Polynesia (11)
Rorotonga, Cook Islands &
Nukualofo on the Island of Tongatapu,
Kingdom of Tonga (12)

On The Way to Aukland (13)
Aukland, New Zealand (14)
Wellington, New Zealand (15)
Christchurch, New Zealand (16)
Dunedin & Milford Sound, New Zealand (17)

The Tasman Sea, Hobart, & Port Arthur (18)
Melbourne, Australia (19)
Sydney, Australia (20)
Numea, New Caledonia (21)
3 Days at Sea En Route to Medang
Papua New Guinea (22)

Madang, Papua New Guinea(23)
Guam, USA (24)
En Route to Kobe, Japan (25)
Kobe, Japan (26)
Kyoto & Hiroshima, Japan (27)
Shanghai, China(28)
Xi an, China, Pt1 (29)
Xi an, China Pt2(30)
Beijing, China (31)
Hong Kong, China & Halong Bay, Vietnam (32)
Da Nang, Vietnam (33)
Saigon. Vietnam, Pt1 (34)
Saigon, Vietnam Pt 2 (35)
Siam Reap, Cambodia Pt1 (36)
Siam Reap, Cambodia Pt2 (37)
Singapore and Georgetown, on the Island of Penang, Malasia (38)
Cochin, India Pt1 (39)
Cochin, India Pt2 (40)
Mahe, Seychelles (41)
En Route to Richard's Bay, South Africa (42)
Richard's Bay, South Africa (43)
Durban, South Africa (44)
Singita Game Reserve, South Africa Pt1 (45)
Singita Game Reserve, South Africa Pt2 (46)
Singita Game Reserve, South Africa Pt3 (47
Singita Game Reserve, South Africa Pt4 (48)
Singita Game Reserve, South Africa Pt1 (49)
Capetown, South Africa Pt1 (50)
Capetown, South Africa Pt2 (51)
Walvis Bay, Namibia Pt1(52)
Walvis Bay, Namibia Pt2 (Swokopmund) (53)
Jamestown, St. Hethelena (54)
5 Days at Sea En Route to Fortaleza, Brazil
(including Ascension Island) (55)

Fortaleza, Brazil (56)
En Route to Belem, Brazil (57)
Belem, Brazil (58)
Roseau, Dominica (59)
San Juan, Puerto Rico Pt 1 (60)
San Juan, Puerto Rico Pt 2 (61)
The Ride Back To Ft. Lauderdale (62)
The End (63)

Our backyard a few weeks before we left for Florida. From what we heard while we were away this is what it looked like much of the winter.

The packing began about Dec. 20th. For 4 months you only need a few things.
Finally finished but. Oh my!!!
1) The pictures on the site have been modified from the pictures taken and stored on our computer through the use of software which reduces the size of the of the photo files from about 2.2 million bytes to about 33 thousand bytes. This has been done so that the site loads in a reasonable amount of time. These pictures are not meant to be printed.
2) The look of the site is simple. This allows me to load and comment on the pages quickly and easily. If time allows later, I will improve the the look of the site and the extent of its interactivity. This present format is quick and easy and requires a limited amount of time.