Page 63
The End

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Reflecting back on the last four months, it is hard not to dwell on what a wonderful trip this has been. Truly a trip of a lifetime. It is amazing how many places we've been and how many sites we've seen. We now look at the world map quite differently than when we got on board in Fort Lauderdale on January 7th. We are keenly aware of how lucky we are to have been able to embark on this adventure.

Due credit must be given to Radisson Seven Seas Cruises for providing both a wonderful ship and crew. The staff has been simply terrific.

Since our departure from Florida and the first postings to this site we have been very fortunate in meeting some truly wonderful people. Included in this group are fellow passengers, members of the ship's wonderful staff and the dozens of people who we've met while touring. We have included photographs and the names of many of these new friends but it is impossible to document everyone who has made this trip special. To those whose pictures do not appear in this site and with whom we have shared wonderful moments , please accept our apologies.

We wish, in particular, to thank our new dear friends, Loren and Judy for their warm friendship and good humor. Their companionship enhanced our world cruise experience well beyond our lofty expectations.