Page 11
Bora Bora, French Polynesia

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Bora Bora in the morning light.
Just another cheap motel. Actually many of these huts are built on the water and have both glass bottoms and their own staircases down to the the clearest water we have ever seen.
Much of the main island of Bora Bora is surrounded by a coral reef which creates a large lagoon with thousands of shades of the color blue. Pictures do not do it justice.
Our ship at anchor.
We took a ride in a 4X4 around the island and up to a place where the United States had set some shore batteries during WWII. The road varied in quality from place to place. some of it was awful, and some of it was dreadful.
It was a little scary thinking of the GI's stationed here. They were really alone and very far away.
And for our redneck friends on Long Island and in Geogia...the ultimate rush....guns and women, This aint no prissy little hand gun yaalllll..
Our local driver and his interpreter. Can you tell he's a native? I was sure I remembered the on-board lecturer saying the locals had given up the practice of human sacrifice.
We stopped at his house to wash the mud off the car. Not bad digs for a Taxi driver.
As beautiful as the interior scenery was, this place is about the beaches.
We stopped for guess what, salads and fish. It was so hot I drank only water. What a pity.
Ahhh.... a single young blond American alone!!!!! Actually I met Donna on a beach in East Hampton. Needles to say the beach has been very very good to me.
Oooops!!! He's back.
The water was probably about 90 degrees. You can't see it but fish are swimming around us.

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We slept the afternoon away on two chaises in the shade of several large beautiful trees. It is hard to describe the beauty of this place.
We await a taxi in the hotel lobby. when we returned to the ship I slept. We had dinner served in our room for the first time. We were ZONKED!!!!