Page 10
Moorea, French Polynesia

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This is simply the most beautiful exotic place I have ever seen.
Our ship at anchor.
The motels here are a little more exotic than the Holiday Inns on Long Island.
The color of the water and the views are not to be believed.
Here we stopped at the local pizza joint. We had salads and fish. Actually at every lunch in Polynesia we had salads and fish.
The local brewski.... I meant salads and fish and beer. On a hot day there is nothing better and here it is HOT !!! (100 degrees F +/-)
Donna taking a break from the rigors of shopping.
The local mall.
Donna decided it was in bad taste to barter so she paid 1400 something for this top. I was shaken until I found it was only $12.00 US.
Our home at anchor.
As advertised---studio with view. Can you imagine getting up and seeing this out of your window?
Another breathtaking sunset. This time as we leave Moorea.
We have been invited to a special dinner with the executive chef in the kitchen.
Donna has one of her personal bartenders, Don deliver guess what? Yep, a Cosmopolitan.
The executive chef, Petert is from Switzerland. He is very blase (but also obviously very good).
The real nerve center of the entire ship. The place is spotless.
They have 50 people preparing food and 25 staff just to clean. Our kitchen at home would be this clean if I had 25 people cleaning it three times a day. I mentioned this to Donna in self defense.
Our dinner companions, Judy, Loren and Peter.

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The place is so fertile that many fruits grow wild. Here we stopped at the side of the road to photograph some pineapples.
The cruise line we are sailing with operates another ship called the Paul Gauguin. It sails only in Polynesia and does a complete island tour in one week. Not a bad idea for the future. 4 times around, plaese!!!!!