Page 37
Angkor Thom and the Bayon Temple

Ta Prohm Temple

Siam Reap, Cambodia
Part 2

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The busses preparing to leave after breakfast.
The hotel gardens were beautiful and well cared for.
The Taxi Que.

Ta Prohn Temple

Except for the tourists and the vendors there is not much going on in this area.
Some other ruins are in a precarious state.
Many of the original stones have been moved from where they were originally set.
The local children were working the crowd relentlessly for dollars.
There were many smaller buildings not directly attached to the temple.
The exotic beauty was unbelievable.
Some of these scenes were just hard to accept as real.
The place was so large that it was hard to find Donna once and a while.
Our friend Dale and Manuela who works at the ship's tour office enjoying the sites.
Some of the stones used were fairly large.
Everywhere you looked there were unusual trees.
My "Raider's of the Lost Ark" impression.
These are truly large tree trunks.
More novice monks.
Large trees grew everywhere.
Donna finally found a doorway her size.
Dale giving us her expedition look.
The scale of these ruins is amazing.
There were many young novice monks in attendance.
This little tree was a great backdrop for our "people in the jungle" portraits.
Harrison Ford eat your heart out.
Each gate is topped by a tower with 4 faces of Buddha.
The face of Buddha is everywhere.
Here Donna is undecided about what to buy.
Here Donna is running from the vendors.
Sadly the pictures with Donna next to me look better. Why is that?
Another one of the four gates of the Temple. Again topped by four faces of Buddha.
If they plan on resetting every stone to its original location they have a lot of work ahead of them.
The bas reliefs are this time of Buddhist stories.
The entire temple is set upon a stone base.
To give you an idea of how much reconstruction work is ahead, This is a pile of loose stones each of which needs to find its home. A monster of a 3D jigsaw puzzle.
Each of these towers has the 4 faces of Buddha.
Here are some clearer pictures of the faces of Buddha.
I gave one of the faces of Buddha a little peck on the nose. Actually it was about 150 feet to my left.
Who's that good looking couple?
Donna and Dale doing their Lara Croft impressions.
The views from a little distance away were just as exotic.
There is an ongoing attempt to categorize and inventory some of the loose stones to facilitate restoration.
There were elephant rides available if you needed additional olfactory sensory input.
There were several large Buddha throughout the area. They were active shrines.
A shot of part of our room. Verrry nice.
The hotels dining room. It was a wonderful exotic place in its own right.
The hotel displayed ads for visiting the ruins.
The hotel's cote of arms.
There are maybe 50 hotels under construction. It will more crowded next time we come. We heard Disney was looking into property.
At the airport on the way back to the ship.