Page 38
Singapore and Georgetown, The Island of Penang, Malaysia

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Arrival in Singapore at dawn.
I was not feeling that well so we didn't do much during the day.We went on a "night safari" at the local zoo that night.
Flash photography was not allowed so this was the only picture I took of our group entering the zoo.
I had a bad cold which I got in China and which worsened in Vietnam so I only took a short trip into Singapore to have my camera serviced. These are the pictures I took of our departure.
I did notice one thing as we left the city. These are reinforced concrete buildings with poured concrete walls. That must be some tough building code they have here. These buildings would survive anything.
The port of Singapore is one of the busiest in the world. Here hundreds of ships await, at anchor, orders to pick-up or drop off cargo.
Security throughout the trip has been tight. Often when we arrived at or departed from a port, we were escorted by a police launch.
This is a model of the ship (actually pretty accurate) made of frosted chocolate.
Royston Ellis, a wonderful guest lecturer, giving a talk on the history of the area.
The next morning the sea was like glass.
Our arrival at Georgetown on the island of Penang
The local three wheeled taxis are people powered.
We opted for the ship's bus. Here is a view from the bus as we ride through the city from the dock.
Georgetown is a very poor place.
The main shopping street was bustling.
Donna and Judy were still able to find shopping. Here they look over a handbag that was selling for $6. After about 30 minutes it was decided that they didn't need it. Time well spent!!!!
The usual suspects pose for my camera.

Some of the walkways were shaded, Thank god!!!

There were a few very modern buildings in the city.
There is a large Muslim population.
The traffic was pretty bad at midday.
Judy poses with guess who?
We couldn't wait to get back to the ship. Although it was interesting to visit, this place was definitely not a highlight of the trip.
We decided to take the ship's shuttle bus to and from the ship. It was about a thousand degrees in the streets and we thought the busses air conditioner would operate better than the one on this taxi.
We also showed great restraint in not sampling the local street fare.