Page 25
En Route to Kobe, Japan
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After leaving Guam we have had 2 sea days. The past two weeks have been very relaxed with short stops and many days out of sight of land. Starting tomorrow afternoon however, our schedule is quite different. For the next 3 weeks we will be spending a majority of our time on shore on tours. If past experience is any indication, we will be pretty tired when we reach Singapore on March 27th. In any case, tomorrow we arrive in Japan for the start of what we think will be a very exciting trip to Kobe, Kyoto and Hiroshima.

At dinner in one of the quieter restaurants on the ship.
Sally gave Donna a nice compliment on her scandalous new outfit she recently purchased in Sydney.
Donna with one of the wonderful Philippine staff, Ranni.
Donna in an outrageously short tight number.
Sally's husband handed me his card when I asked for her name so I could give her proper credit for the compliment she gave Donna. I just had to share this card with you. He's obviously a very enterprising guy!! I think I have some punts which need returning....What a coincidence.
Danny, the guitarist/entertainer in the area where tea is served in the late morning.
In the early afternoon the skies grayed and the pool staff started taking in the mats covering the chaises. This was not a good sign. They get their info directly from the bridge. Sure enough, it started to rain 3 minutes later.

The pool grill which is under a covered area was not affected by the rain. The delivery of massive quantities of delicious food is rarely a victim of circumstance on this ship.

Donna at the bar again. Throwing back an iced decaf coffee with skim milk. She had a banana/;apple chaser. A bar fly she is not!!!
Even the simple daily offerings of fruit are quite attractive.
The Captain thanking all the guests for their patronage. There was someone honored for having sailed for nearly a thousand days on Radisson. Yikes!! Actually it sounded pretty good to me. Donna and I discussed going for the record. Yea right!!!!
Mr. O'Brien the fellow in charge of future bookings flogging the future cruises. The 1000 day record may be safe from our assault. How do you catch up with someone who is 3 years ahead and does a world cruise each year?
The heads of the departments took a bow. The head bartender, Nathan, received the most applause. Does that tell you something about the crowd?
Her is Brigitte, the ship's nurse, Donna with our friend Peter. Peter showing off what he called his wild side. He wore a red watchband and matching red socks. This is pretty wild stuff for an Austrian. A real walk on the wild side.
Our friends Loren and Judy. They're almost as cute as us.
Richard and Sandra joined us for dinner. They own a house in Britain, part of which was built in 1530. In keeping with the spirit of the evening's discussion, we explained that oldest part of our house dates back to the latter half of 1991.
The night's entertainment was headlined by Mario. Italian standards were a-plenty. That's Amore.
We woke to strong winds and rough seas.
You can see from a comparison of these pictures that there was a fair amount of pitching of the ship. ( There was almost no rolling due to the ship's stabilizers). The cabins higher up on the ship and those towards both the aft and the stern gave their inhabitants quite a ride. We were fortunately situated amid-ships and had an easy time of it. If you look quickly at the left photo then after about 4 seconds the right one and then back again waiting again 4 seconds, you will get a sense of what it was like to be on deck.
Donna at Email central.
The high seas resulted in few guests coming to breakfast. Lots of dramamine was consumed in place of the french toast.
The wonderful violin player and piano duo who go by the name of The Charade Duo, which, followed Danny, the guitarist in the tea lobby. They played my favorites one after another. I could not have made up a better play-list myself
Barbara Udell provided a lecture series which appealed to many of the women and even a few men. I was ordered to go. This particular talk's subject was "anger management". After being ordered to attend I needed the talk. The format was sort of a mix between Opra, Sally Jesse, Dr. Phil and the game show Jeopardy. Since like most men I am mild mannered and incredibly sensitive to others, this talk was of no particular interest to me. When the talk was over however, I was still fuming about having been made to attend. I immediately inquired about when the next lecture on anger management would be given.