Page 18
The Tasman Sea,
Hobart, &
Port Arthur

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A word about traveling west... Crossing the international dateline on this ship was indeed an interesting experience (as I discussed on page 12). The fact that we are going around the world from east to west is proving to have its advantages. Because our trip takes 123 days and we gain twenty-four hours during the trip due to the fact that we start and end our trip in Florida, on average we gain one hour (of sleep) for approximately every five days of sailing (i.e., 123/24=5.2). So if you ever plan on going around the world and you need your sleep....go west young man!!!!
The passage across the Tasman Sea was on rough seas, large swells and much rain. It was the first bad weather we encountered since leaving Florida.
Our first sight of the coast of Tasmania at Hobart after two days at sea. A little gloomy.
The weather improved and a late afternoon 1 1/2 hour bus ride took us to Port Arthur, the former British penal colony.
A large heated tent was erected for a wonderful night of food and entertainment. However, after nearly 2 months of the ship's exquisite food and wonderful service the local caterer didn't stand a chance in comparison test. Many of the guests were clearly apoplectic about the meal.
A replica of one of the early European ships was anchored in the bay.
Our guide was a real local. What an accent.
All the buildings were built by the inmates from local materials. In addition, no horses were employed, as the only one there belonged to the warden.
The Tasmanian version of the Beach Boys.
Part of a somewhat uninspiring inmate/guard reenactment.
The lack of enthusiasm was infectious. Some of these people were actually sleeping.
We were then piped to dinner....So very British.
It was a little brisk when we arrived. Soon after the tent warmed up. The show blew everyone away. It was terrific. Many of the voices were Broadway quality.
Judy and Loren our tablmates for dinner.
I couldn't believe it......they were able to shrink Nicole Kidman. This little thing wasn't the star of the show but was without doubt the cutest gal in Tasmania!!!!
There was woderful singing and dancing from a troupe of youngsters from Hobart ranging in age from 8 to 17. The songs and dances were wonderful including many Broadway tunes. Above a bit from Mary Poppins.
They lit up part of the the old penitentiary for the party.
To avoid the return bus trip, the ship was repositioned to Port Arthur allowing us to take a 3 minute tender ride from the party to the ship and avoid a long return bus ride. Very thoughtful on the part of Radisson. Here Donna, Judy and Loren are waiting to go on the tender in a light drizzle.
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