Page 16
Christchurch, New Zealand

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Christchurch, New Zealand is a beautiful little city. It is known as the garden city of New Zealand because of its many parks and public gardens. It has quaint little trolley cars and many restored old British buildings. I took a nice long walk through town in the morning and in the afternoon, for those guests on the full round the world trip, there was a special Tea at one of the many public gardens.
These trolleys are restored from units taken out of service in the mid '50s.
Some of the old architecture is very British and very beautiful.
Here we have a situation where an old building facade was preserved even though a high-rise office building replaced much of its original attachment.
Here again America strikes back. This beautiful 18th-century building is now a Starbucks.
Just a sample of the beautiful parks which surround the downtown area. There is absolutely no litter in the entire country.
Donna is making new friends again at the entrance to the park where we are participating in the afternoon tea.
The Tea was served in a beautiful tent. Tea, sandwiches and scones with clotted cream were served and a orchestra was provided for dancing. Nobody danced. No surprise. It was either dancing or food. No contest. For me there was beer. Good cold New Zealand beer.
As all things British, the announcement of the tea was done very properly by proclamation with all the usual pomp and circumstance accorded the delivery of food to the commoners.
Through this particular park ran a little river. You could take a ride in a "punt" which is the British version an Italian gondola.
This is Peggy and David our "punt" mates.
The views along the river were quite beautiful.
There were many private homes fronting on the river.
The weather was perfect for the tea.
Our entertainment included some native war chants. These guys ancestors killed and ate the first europeans to come here. Frankly, they still seemed a little upset. We were advised not to make any quick moves towards the cucumber sandwiches.
The old guard was a little irked that the guests from the ship were not so keen on trying cricket as the were about trying the scones.
My Gal !!!
Donna couldn't believe the amount of bread the birds ate. She was worried about them gaining too much weight. She said they had no self control. Hadn't any of these birds heard of Dr. Atkins? I mean bread!!!! I guess I have something in common with local birds.
What a beautiful way to spend the afternoon.
The vistas were stunning and very Edwardian.
Our guides for the afternoon really got into character.
The ship docked in Lyttleton Harbor, about 15 minutes from Christchurch. This place is known for its windy conditions. It's a beautiful little city with many of the homes built right into the hills. Tomorrow, Dunedin, New Zealand.

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