Page 55
5 Days at Sea En Route to Fortaleza, Brazil
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Another wonderful show.
Terry Breen the social anthropologist and guest lecturer gave a short talk on our next stop, Ascension Island. Unfortunately, due to large swells at our landing point, the talk was longer than our stop.
Terry's talk included one slide entitled "Ascension Island, Virtual Tour". That was a painfully appropriate title.
The gals.
A Nat King Cole look-a-like, Donny Ray Evins, gave a wonderful concert one night made up of Nat King Cole standards. He was terrific. Radisson could consider moving their musical tastes from the 40's to the 50's if the audience's response is any indication of their likes. The crowd went wild!!!
Donna and Lars. Lars was the Asst. Dining Room Manager in the main restaurant where we ate for the first 2 months aboard. He somehow became personally responsible for Donna's order when we ate in his venue. We have been eating at a different restaurant for several weeks and he was elated when we stopped by for a quick hello at breakfast.

Here he looks stunned and shaken (the old "deer-in-the-headlights look") when Donna told him that she may want to return to one of his tables in the main dining room soon. (He is acutely aware of how little effort it takes to keep her happy during meal times). He was able start breathing again and actually smiled when she told him she was just kidding.

Ascension Island in the early morning light.
The staff captain and one crew member went ashore to ascertain if it was safe for the tenders. Unfortunately the white stuff in the picture above was surf crashing into an area only a few feet from the towns only dock. The call on the island was cancelled and we reluctantly left for Brazil.
Sunrise that morning was quite pretty.
After it was determined that we could not make a call at Ascension Island because of the large swells and waves in the vicinity of the dock, we sailed away to our next call at Fortaleza, Brazil. We will now have an extra day in Fortaleza. Everyone we spoke to thought this was for the best as Ascension Island had very little for tourists and no indigenous population.
Anna's violin playing is as beautiful as she is cute. It's a real treat to have her and her piano accompanist play for us in the various lounges but particularly at dinner.
LEFT.....The Staff Captain, Philippe Fichet Delavault met me on deck one morning and thanked me for putting up the web site. He is the #2 in charge on the ship, second in command only to the captain. He said that the ship called at several ports where his responsibilities onboard the ship precluded his going ashore and he was, through the web site, able to see what was there. What a nice compliment.