Page 22
3 Days at Sea En Route to Medang, Papua New Guinea
(part 1 of 2)

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On our first of three days at sea Donna and I concentrated on booking our tours for the coming weeks. This segment, which ends in Singapore, is perhaps the most exotic and exciting of the trip (there are 5 segments). During this segment we now have plans for overnight stays off the ship in Kyoto Japan, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in Vietnam and Siam Reap (Angkor Wat) in Cambodia. The weather has not been very accommodating. Before Numea it was very cold and nasty. When we got to Numea the weather turned suddenly hot and humid. Now it has been windy, hot and humid with much cloudiness and rain. The weather should improve soon. You can see from the number of pictures and the length of the commentary that I was getting a little bored with the poor weather.

Donna taking in some book time on the balcony after a stint at the gym. Every cabin on the ship has it's own private balcony. Pretty cool.

This is Roger the guy in charge of the tour office. He's terrific. He can arrange anything. He's got a big job on this ship and he is up to it. Here's a guy who works under a lot of pressure. He's a real asset to Radisson.

Here is Peter. He lives in Florida. He was the first person on the ship to give me a compliment about my web site. I'm desperate for compliments and in return I promised him a place on the site. I pay my debts!
Donna at the bar again.
My gal. Donna is on a new kick. She's trying to survive on a strict diet of apples and bananas.
And her associate in crime Verlin.He specializes in bananas and Cosmopolitans.
Life at sea is for the most part pretty relaxed (boring), even though the cruise staff has scheduled activities for every interest nearly 24 hours a day. Here we were presented with an ice carving demonstration.
The stands were packed
I think it must have been this particular carver's rooky season because there were many major league scouts and some syndicated critics present for his first game. As you can see from the body language, they weren't easy on the kid.
Donna with our friend Judy.
Loren, Judy's husband in one of his more lucid moments.
Kevin and Susan enjoying a Jacuzzi. They are from Salsalito, California where there is a state law mandating a laid back attitude. They told me the state recently passed legislation requiring a Jacuzzi a day.

The ship is fitted with stabilizers limiting much of the ship's rolling which, in turn limits greatly the number of people who become seasick. There is however no way to limit the pitching. Once in a while the pitching of the ship and the sloshing of the pool's water get into sync. This results in some periodic water displays. About ten minutes after these pictures were taken the water was catapulted to a height of about 25 feet soaking everyone in the vicinity. I don't think it was a record but when the Captain and the 1st Officer came to investigate and almost got soaked, the pool was closed. Actually, except for the fact that it was extremely dangerous to be in the pool, it was really cool to watch.

Donna is attempting to renegotiate here lifetime ban from Bingo with the Commissioner. He is concerned that she may not be off the bingo enhancing steroids and insists on checking with her "bingo anonymous" councilor. Screening results only uncovered vodka, fish and vegetables. Her lawyers convince the commish she's clean and she is re-instated.
You can tell from her expression that she has regressed from her 12 step bingo program badly.
The commish was not swayed by her demands for a win. He is clearly incorruptible.
After 3 consecutive losses, she obviously has not had an adequate amount of therapy.
To compensate for her suffering (and her unfulfilled bingo habit) she orders a T-bone at the most expensive restaurant on the ship. Here she shows unquestionably good manners by not sucking on the bone.
The night is ended with a wonderful show featuring music from the early to mid 1900's.
The ensemble is quite talented.
The female singers have their eye on an unattached passenger....So they think!!!
Here the Bingo Commissioner takes on his alter ego. This must be his secret life.
The lead singers going through some standards.
The finale brought most of the audience to their feet and ended a wonderful night.
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