Page 13
2 Days At Sea On The Way To
Auckland, New Zealand

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A famous guest lecturer in New Zealand history preparing for his lecture. He speaks Maori, which is the language of the natives of New Zealand.
Danny one of the roaming entertainers serenading the guest's here along part of ship used to display art for sale.
A display of the champagnes available on board (preparing for a caviar and champagne tasting). My God, it's only 11 AM.
Yes the portions are small. Some of the best caviars are not only very expensive but extremely hard to find.
Here the executive chef and the chief somalier discuss the champagnes and caviars.
At lunch today they raised the bar on the quality of the buffet.
If you did not like the way it was prepared, they would prepare it for you to your individual specifications.
The presentation of the seafood was impressive.
Boy, my appetizer is again very large. I should cut down on the amount of cream. What do you think, just one course with cream today.
Some of the things that they do with the food is very original. Some of this stuff just makes you laugh out loud.
This little guy is made of butter.
Here we have some tuna sashimi served in the tuna from which it was obtained.
Here we were invited to a cocktail party hosted by Richard J. Stephenson. His family's cabin was the ship's largest. It had two bedrooms and a very large living room and foyer.
Here is our host for the night. He's taking his family around the world. I don't think he was a land surveyor.
Donna finally finds someone shorter than her on the ship and insists on a picture as proof. I pointed out that Richard's daughter, Shelby, was only 10, but Donna insisted that it did not matter.
Shelby and her mother. It was a lovely party.

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